Sort Results

BookStrand.com allows you to sort results that you find when you browse through our category and author pages.

How do I sort titles on author pages?

First, search for an author in the Search field.

Scroll down below the list of popular titles.

Here you can choose to see results displayed by Books or click the Series button to see a list of the author's series.

Once you have chosen to display results by Books or Series, you may choose to sort the books in the following ways:

  • Recently Added - sorts the titles by the date they were put up to the site, with the newest titles first.

  • 30-day Bestsellers - lists the titles by how well they have sold for the past 30 days.

  • All-time Bestsellers - displays the titles by how well they have sold since they were added to BookStrand.com.

How do I sort titles on category pages?

First, select a category from the list on the left-hand side of the screen.

Here you can choose to see results displayed by Books, Authors, or Series.

Once you have chosen to display results by Books, Authors, or Series, you may choose to sort the books in the following ways:

  • Recently Added - sorts the titles by the date they were put up to the site, with the newest titles first.

  • 30-day Bestsellers - lists the titles by how well they have sold for the past 30 days.

  • All-time Bestsellers - displays the titles by how well they have sold since they were added to BookStrand.com.

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